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Indonesian League First Division League title

Sekretaris Jenderal PSSI, Joko Driyono.
Sekretaris Jenderal PSSI, Joko Driyono. 
Indonesian League Premier Division stated that competition (DU) in 2015 is planned to be held in the third week of April.
"We schedule DU LI season this year, began to be held around 23-24 April," said Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of PT LI Joko Driyono after watching the test match between Persis Solo against FC with a final score of 0-1 at the Stadium Manahan Solo, Central Java, on Thursday (12/03/2015).
He said he immediately invited 60 football clubs in the country that became candidates DU LI at the end of March, to provide socialization related to the upcoming competition.
"We will give you some steps that had previously been done deepening to 60 DU club," he said.
Touched on several stages for prospective participants DU competition, Ricardo explains that, among others, the infrastructure and financial problems.
"This will be submitted to DU clubs, such as what problems Portrait team. We can expect the beginning of April has been designated participants DU competition," he said.
According to Joko, the kick-off competition DU after enactment club competition participants, the plan began to be held between April 23 to 24 mendatang.Joko also describes the management of DU during the transition to competition or professional club. They were, he said, had been following the process concerning the rules, among others, the choice of having a legal entity in a company or PT.
"It is, as is done by the club Persis Solo being the process of establishing a PT to manage toward a professional football club," he said.
However, Joko explained that if the club competition participants DU has not formed a company or PT, it is not a problem.
"They are still allowed to enter the competition," he said.

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